Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Ever so often one or the other friend of mine will claim that he/she is very good at seeing through people...they are either born perceptive or have been through a lot or they just know or maybe all of these...it's funny how with everyone being so perceptive, miscommunication is one of the biggest issues we face in our lives...

I have often wondered where such a claim or belief stems from? Are we inherently judgemental and then need reasons to justify our judgements? Does everything ultimately boil down to the need of feeling superior than others - a need which is probably the surest sign of dependence? Or are we all perceptive and choose friends based on the number of flaws we can ignore in them? Do we and can we really really know others as well as we think we do??

Am I perceptive? For a very long time I used to think I am...I thought that I can read people well and this quality makes me a more intelligent person...but then I realized I was not alone in thinking that...and not just a few of us, but everyone I know and more harboured this belief...which is very odd...because it either made me just like everyone else or it made me a fool...and the idea of being either was appalling to say the least...of course, it could be that everyone else was a fool and I was not but for some reason that didn't appeal to my sensible (?) side...

So I figured, the safest way to be get out of this 'am I or am I not' game was to actually get out of it...in many ways, I am done knowing people...I am done trying to understand what childhood experience made them like that or what is it that they are actually thinking behind those words or what game they are playing and things like that...of course, I do pass an occasional judgement and some things are just too obvious to not be seen but I can't live a life where there are no surprises left or no painful truths yet to appear...

Someone asked me the other day weather I liked to be understood...fact is I have stopped caring...I know there are people who see through me and those who claim they can...either ways its fine by me...all I can say is that, as a rule I understand no one...


contrarian said...

There are only two kinds of people who are fascinating. One who know everything or those who know nothing.

-- You know who could have said that.

Anonymous said...

but i *do* read people well :)
and its not so much as being born perceptive. its just an experience of being through various iterations of social experiences.....
beyond a point of time , you just tend to start noticing a pattern to things. sometimes right,sometimes wrong !

L said...

@ Contrarian - Is that for you or for me?!

@ Citydweller - Yeah...but the thing with not knowing anything is that you are never wrong...and that's not so bad! ;)