Thursday, March 8, 2007


Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines

Being stationed at this beautiful "prestigious" campus today for some work left me feeling what I always try to avoid - helpless...a very unintentional deep felt helplessness...the realization and idea of lost possibilities...what could have been and what will never be...I know its pointless thinking about it...and that fleeting time is inevitable for everyone but does it really have to be so hard? I have always been fascinated with the idea of being an outsider, a silent rebel even...but today was one of those rare times when I felt like being part of the crowd, of that crowd...maybe its just the attraction of youth and abandon...a stubbornness to not grow up and feeling responsible...

There are so many things that are overrated in this world - power, friendship, praise...possibly love...but I refuse to believe that time as a concept is overrated...its there, its important and its a war you can never win...I guess you just do as much as you can whenever you can and relish it...hedge your risk of future regrets...I know I am not saying anything ground breaking or deep even...but I need to come to terms with what's gone...and I guess I need just a little more time for that...


contrarian said...

Time is always a classical paradox.

Anonymous said...

Guess which song I was listening to in the office when I read this ?
And prestigious campus' is overrated....
People make campus' not newspapers