Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Life Quite Ordinary!

If we were to go strictly by volume - most of our life seems so inconsequential...just imagine the amount of time we spend in commuting from home to office, waiting for your turn in innumerable queues, paying bills, buying utility items, being confused about which option to choose, fantasizing about unattainable crushes, waiting for a friend in Barista, switching from one inane channel to the next on TV, holding grudges...or to put it in a filmy style - yeh roz marra ki aam zindagi!

What distinguishes an extraordinary life from an ordinary one? Is that strictly a function of the amount of money you have, the number of places you have seen or the variety of 'experiences' you have had? Or is it something more? Is an extraordinary life a cause of brilliance or a consequence of it?

I suppose, I can safely presume that we are all aspirational...Maslow's hierarchy, howsoever trite, is pretty much symbolic of what we are...but one thought that never leaves me is that no matter how many achievements we have, can we escape time gone awry? How many times have you felt like making everything pause for a while, rearrange things and then start afresh? Like a childhood game that's become too chaotic...but things are rushing past so fast that forget rearranging, one doesn't even get a chance to let it all sink in!

In this mad rush how are we supposed to make more and more moments count? Of course, common sense (or maybe conditioning!) tells me that to a large extent the significance of our existence is determined by our attitude...or is it?Are people who are supposedly gutsy and have trodden the path less travelled, necessarily happy? Are people who have achieved their dreams happy? Or are eternal chasers, like me, happy?

Are you happy?


Anonymous said...

A life less ordinary is one which is filled with more doing and less chasing/thinking.

Oh and I: ?

L said...

Yeah, I almost completely agree...and oh yeah, you! :D

Anonymous said...

it was I: (as in I drive) you knucklehead......