Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Way We Are

Its funny how at some level we are all narcissists...over estimating our importance in other people's lives and underestimating their importance in ours...is it a sign of insecurity or need to be loved or a basic human instinct? Lately I have been thinking a lot about how some things are just so inherent in us just by the virtue (or vice!) of being humans...greed, survival instinct, territoriality and of course, the omnipresent sex...nothing wrong with it but isn't the effort to deny all this a failure on our part? I see it all around me...denial and escapism have become a way of life for almost all of us...how difficult it is to meet a soul that is at peace? Someone who has embraced life in the simplest of forms... am I being a prude? Maybe...but I now know that life is about embracing, not rejecting...rebelliousness is a reaction not a desire...complexity has a charm, enigmatic is always more attractive...but nothing I guess can compete with pure simplicity...it beats anything hands down...maybe because its the most difficult to achieve...maybe because it is unusual and rare...

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