Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Ambiguity is a very funny thing...it teases you all the time...it is that thing that adds that extra zing to your life sometimes...and sometimes leaves the most painful residuals behind...are we supposed to revel in it and glorify it or just fight hard against it...or just give up and let it rule our life? What are we supposed to do when we are faced with options that all let us down one way or the other? All your life, you believe in something and love it passionately and cherish it...you let yourself be spoiled...and then one day...it shows its ugly face and you let go...and then you search and search for the same feeling in different places...only to never find it again...only to come back...and lose again...and you realize that you might have let go of the thing...but you never let go of the dream...and now, it will only remain that...a dream...


contrarian said...

Your mindwork is getting more ambiguous by the day. So much for your talent of simplifying the things!!

Anonymous said...

before my current employment , i really believed that there was a concept like ambiguity.
now i feel its some made-up corporate jargon to disguise the fact that things are actually f****d up...

L said...

Though the context of my post was quite different, I still couldn't agree more with you...with all the big words thrown at us, I am yet to see any of the "well placed" people doing any good work...

Zee said...

"and then you search and search for the same feeling in different places...only to never find it again...."

maybe u won't.......but u'll find something different and just as nice if u stop searching for exactly that....

L said...

You are right, zee...I guess moving on is sometimes the best option to stay sane...!