Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Seriously, what is going on?
We have a new Father of the Nation (and in fact a new Family of the Nation) - Amitabh Bachchan
Shilpa Shetty has won Big Brother and Rakhi Saawant did not win Big Boss :(
It is already turning hot in Delhi
People I have forgotten, get in touch but people I want talk to, ignore
My mother wants to go shopping - with me as the driver!
Apparently, it is possible to make a movie longer than K3G - Salaam-e-Ishq
Any exclusive news on any news channel, is breaking news
Indian cricket team actually has a lead over WI, at least till today
My brother has not sulked for the last 9 hours, a record of sorts
I have finally started using a moisturizer - yeah, whatever
I did not see even ONE movie this long weekend!
There is a new epidemic is town and in my friend circle - Shaadi
I have been dreaming of work - heights of crappiness
Reality shows are the new saas-bahu soaps
And the strangest - it just doesn't seem like a bloody Monday!
1:13 PM
Monday, January 22, 2007
Run Rabbit Run...
You spend your entire life believing something and then a day comes, when you realize or are made to realize that all this time, you were just living one big lie...and the only person who didn't know that was you...
A realization hit me today and it hurts like hell...I don't even know if I have the courage to accept it and deal with it...but its staring at me in the eye...
They say - I respond...I give a vibe...I have this thing about me...Has this been my attempt to play out my childhood fantasies? Am I an attention seeker in denial? Is this how I make friends?
Why is it that the world always throws these questions at you and gives no answers?
2:44 PM
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
I get it...I do, really...swear on - my favourite pair of socks, the dog I don't have, my love for Christian Bale, the car I have wanted for the last 20 years, everything - I get is unfair- I have accepted that...and am trying my best to make peace with the fact...but you know, you don't have to keep reiterating that point!! Please, don't try to pull off a Satan!
I understand that its your intention that all interesting and attractive men also be unavailable...I mean unavailable to the common junta like me...and since like me, you also want these men to be happy, you'll ensure that their wives/girlfriends are not only hot but also successful and brainy! And not only will these guys be totally in love their spouses but also proudly display their pictures on their laptop (which incidentally is very tacky)! I mean, isn't it bad enough that they are married, what's the deal with being happily married!!
Anyhow, what else can I say? As always, You have left me speechless and bitter...great job! Seriously, You have a wicked, wicked sense of humour...sitting up there meddling into billions of lives and then laughing at the way we try to overcome things...these tiny little squirmy pests...I am not saying You have the best job in the world, but yeah, You definitely have turned a lousy job into a very entertaining one!
So, all said and done, I am just requesting You to give me a break! Just for a little while...I know things can't be fair but at least give me enough reason to imagine what if they could be...
Yours hopelessly,
12:23 PM
1 Responses
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Ever since I can remember, I have been a practitioner of cursory glances...I have always been an 'essence' it the elaborate environment-describing part of a novel, the reading comprehension passages in exams (which is quite good actually!), driving a long as I reach my destination safe and sound, its fine...but the finesse that comes with acquiring a skill, naah...I think I just totally missed the point there...
Different people have called it different motivation, laziness, temperament, heredity (which might not possible, as both my parents are suckers for details), restlessness, an urge to get somewhere too soon, shirking of responsibility, lack of commitment etc etc...maybe its a combination of all these things...whatever it is - I think its harming me a way, the effects are showing in the bigger picture...
They say that the first step to solving a 'problem' is to accept it...does this confession amount to acceptance? Is acceptance a sure sign of change? Will the change be for the better? Or will this change, like everything else, still be just as far from that illusionary balance that we are all trying to achieve??
5:32 PM
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Ha Ha!
I board the metro - a perfect symbol of urban monotony.
Find myself a seat - a rarity at 7.30 in the evening.
Get a call - predictably expected.
What are you doing? - I don't get the question.
I am in the metro - what else?
No, what are you doing? - I get the question this time.
I am in the metro - simple.
An old man gets on the train - right in front of me.
No one offers his/her seat - very predictably.
I get up but he refuses to take my seat - he is more mannered than me.
I cut the phone - send a message explaining my inability to argue in a metro.
Old man is very appreciative of me - finally someone has given him a seat.
No response - how did i get so lucky?
I ask myself - at what point do we start being apologetic about our thoughts?
Old man tells me - If you have sincere thinking and thoughts, you'll never be let down.
Oh, irony was mocking me.
8:48 PM
Qs and No As
Is there an end?
Is there a place called peace?
Is there any way out?
Why is it that we change but things don't?
Who decides what we deserve?
Is injustice a way of life?
Why are the nicest people the unhappiest?
Can we really make a difference?
When do we really know?
How much is enough?
8:17 PM
Friday, January 12, 2007
My favourite lines from the movie American Psycho [also because the way CB looks and delivers his lines in this scene ;) ] :
There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable...I simply am not there.
And in case you are wondering, according to me, anyone who writes is a "writer"! :D
12:57 PM
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
What if we could live our lives in reverse? From death to birth...from old to young...What if instead of doing things, we could undo them? Will life be any better or will we screw up then as well?
12:14 PM
1 Responses
Monday, January 8, 2007
First about the bungee jumping...oh yeah, it actually is as good as they say it is!! And super scary! Even now, after having done it once, I am sure I'd still be just as scared and jittery on that jumping board up there! Of course, being all daring and adventurous, I chose to go face down :D! Just seeing the ground close in on you and that feeling of sheer helplessness at that moment is so heady that for a moment you know you are alive...its funny how the possibilty or simulation of near-death makes you feel more alive than life itself...I was told later that the actual free fall would not have been more than one second...I found it very strange because when I was jumping, it seemed much much longer than that!
The nightclub, of course was was good...DJ Suketu was the guest DJ...I'd rate him 6 on 10...he could have done better...the crowd was the usual a-little-too-(un)dressed for the occassion kinda crowd...with many PYTs and many wannabe dudes...well, yeah for once I actually did see some nice looking guys...nice and intelligent looking guys! But then they were more than just accompanied by the aforementioned PYTs, if you know what I mean! I guess, the bumping-into-the-man-of-your-dreams-in-a-hip-disco thing happens only in movies and/or Sex and the City! :(
And as far as The Prestige is concerned - I don't wanna say much, since many people have done a better job of praising the movie...I'll just say that I am ashamed to call myself a movie buff now, considering I hadn't even heard of Christain Bale till like two weeks back..last week I downloaded and watched American Psycho...great movie, great role and wow, what a bloody (pun intended!) good performance! But that was not a role that you can really love, you know...but after The Prestige and many reel/real life clippings of him on youtube, I must admit that I am completely charmed!! Am I watching closely? Yes, Mr. Bale, I am totally watching you closely! ;)
Finally - this is officially my 25th post and I am glad its a happy one! But i'll celebrate when I do the 100th...
1:42 PM
Friday, January 5, 2007
Blue Dream
I have been accused of many things - being an escapist, being dull, being a liar but till yesterday I had never been accused of being phony...I wonder what's next...of course, the impending apology followed but...
Basically, its one of those phases when everything is so messed up and tragic, that its comical...awkward situations are a passé...unfair accusations are routine...
I had never thought it was possible - but I actually look forward to going home now...I call my mother 3 times a day from office, simply because I miss her...I go home and just randomly hug my parents...I know, parents are synonymous with reassurance...but this is more than that...I love them and this is maybe my only chance to make up for everything...
I am floating in a blue dream...Cold wind and muted screams...
10:24 AM
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
12:45 PM